This may sound like a plain recipe, but believe me, it's wonderful! It is an easy-to-make Middle Eastern comfort food that combines lentils, rice and delicious...
This is a recipe that my mom made for us while growing up. We live in Minnesota, where SPAM originated, and my father is Puerto Rican; this was an ingenious...
One of my 'Israeli' recipes that I've adapted for whole rice (that in my opinion needs more seasoning). Good as a whole meal or as a side dish. Freezes...
This is my take on a Louisiana classic. No shortcuts! Put everything into the slow cooker in the morning and you will have your meal ready in the late...
Any time someone asks the question, 'What exactly is soul food?' the answer should always be 'a comforting bowl of red beans and rice.' Just sit them down,...
Popular South Indian breakfast dish prepared mainly with rice and lentils. Ideal dish for any time of the day. Can be served with spicy chutney and vatral-kozhambu...
Due to certain worldwide events, I've been getting lots of requests for easy, hearty recipes that can be made using basic dry and canned goods. This incredibly...
Any time someone asks the question, 'What exactly is soul food?' the answer should always be 'a comforting bowl of red beans and rice.' Just sit them down,...
This is a recipe that my mom made for us while growing up. We live in Minnesota, where SPAM originated, and my father is Puerto Rican; this was an ingenious...
This is a recipe that my mom made for us while growing up. We live in Minnesota, where SPAM originated, and my father is Puerto Rican; this was an ingenious...
This is a recipe that my mom made for us while growing up. We live in Minnesota, where SPAM originated, and my father is Puerto Rican; this was an ingenious...
This is a recipe that my mom made for us while growing up. We live in Minnesota, where SPAM originated, and my father is Puerto Rican; this was an ingenious...
Any time someone asks the question, 'What exactly is soul food?' the answer should always be 'a comforting bowl of red beans and rice.' Just sit them down,...
Any time someone asks the question, 'What exactly is soul food?' the answer should always be 'a comforting bowl of red beans and rice.' Just sit them down,...
Any time someone asks the question, 'What exactly is soul food?' the answer should always be 'a comforting bowl of red beans and rice.' Just sit them down,...
Any time someone asks the question, 'What exactly is soul food?' the answer should always be 'a comforting bowl of red beans and rice.' Just sit them down,...
Due to certain worldwide events, I've been getting lots of requests for easy, hearty recipes that can be made using basic dry and canned goods. This incredibly...
This is a simple yummy recipe I made for my husband and 2-year-old. Neither one cares for tomatoes, but they could easily be added to the recipe. This...
Due to certain worldwide events, I've been getting lots of requests for easy, hearty recipes that can be made using basic dry and canned goods. This incredibly...
This is an easy and delicious take on a Louisiana classic that you can prepare and cook in 40 minutes! I use turkey kielbasa to cut down on the fat, but...
Any time someone asks the question, 'What exactly is soul food?' the answer should always be 'a comforting bowl of red beans and rice.' Just sit them down,...
This may sound like a plain recipe, but believe me, it's wonderful! It is an easy-to-make Middle Eastern comfort food that combines lentils, rice and delicious...
I am not claiming this to be an authentic Cuban dish, rather my version of it. I hope that you enjoy. Garnish with chopped green onions, chopped cilantro,...
This may sound like a plain recipe, but believe me, it's wonderful! It is an easy-to-make Middle Eastern comfort food that combines lentils, rice and delicious...
Any time someone asks the question, 'What exactly is soul food?' the answer should always be 'a comforting bowl of red beans and rice.' Just sit them down,...
Due to certain worldwide events, I've been getting lots of requests for easy, hearty recipes that can be made using basic dry and canned goods. This incredibly...
This is a recipe that my mom made for us while growing up. We live in Minnesota, where SPAM originated, and my father is Puerto Rican; this was an ingenious...
Good ole red beans and rice with lots of smoked sausage. I put lots of garlic in it which makes it tasty. I take it to my bingo crowd and they love it!...
This is a recipe that my mom made for us while growing up. We live in Minnesota, where SPAM originated, and my father is Puerto Rican; this was an ingenious...
Due to certain worldwide events, I've been getting lots of requests for easy, hearty recipes that can be made using basic dry and canned goods. This incredibly...
Any time someone asks the question, 'What exactly is soul food?' the answer should always be 'a comforting bowl of red beans and rice.' Just sit them down,...
Authentic Cajun flavor! I grew up in Louisiana and love red beans and rice; these are just like I remember. Serve with hot sauce for a little kick. My...
I am from the South, and red beans and rice is a weekly tradition in my house. This recipe is cooked in no time, thanks to the pressure cooker! Serve over...
Any time someone asks the question, 'What exactly is soul food?' the answer should always be 'a comforting bowl of red beans and rice.' Just sit them down,...
Peas and rice, often served under a tropical sun. You may have had it last while sitting on soft white sand, and looking at a clear blue sea. Goes excellently...
Any time someone asks the question, 'What exactly is soul food?' the answer should always be 'a comforting bowl of red beans and rice.' Just sit them down,...
Due to certain worldwide events, I've been getting lots of requests for easy, hearty recipes that can be made using basic dry and canned goods. This incredibly...